Symbiatch - maailma on rikki

Nokia recap - business as usual

08.02.2010 10.09 - mobiili 

Nokia released Ovi Maps Racing. So, they're actually supporting the use of motor vehicles on the block to race and endanger everyone? Cool! That's what I like to hear!

They also released Climate Mission - a fun way to learn more about climate change. Nice, you can also help the climate to change even more by using more energy with their games and stuff. Whoa! That's cool - err, ei mean HOT!

They're also asking about where's most scope for innovation (someone probably thought scope was a better word than some stupid room for improvement). Wow. Now, if they only even once had a choice about things that people actually care about (like, you know, a working phone, a battery that doesn't die in a day, a lens cap that doesn't scratch the lens or maybe even a user interface that is actually usable?) But hey, at least they'll showing they care! And then they'll show they don't care by not using the results for anything.

Oh well, maybe they're just too busy putting up huge billboards? It's kinda funny: they're showing this video about weekly on their blogs and stuff. Why? Who cares?

But at least they asked about what would be cool for Ovi Maps. And 40% said local guides, 23% wanted news and information etc. But the fun part is in the comments: people would actually like, for example, to navigate to a contact's address. This was naturally not on the list, since Nokia doesn't care about the actually usable things. They just want to bloat the stuff, not see what's missing. So, I'll make a bet: we won't see navigating to a contact's address for a long time. Because it wasn't on the poll they did.

And no, I won't even start talking about Ovi Suite, which has gotten people angry when it suddenly syncs your phones without asking, searches your drive for all pictures and trying to stuff them in your phones and whatnot. How about, you know, a little research about a typical user? I, for one, don't know any typical users (and certainly not power users) that would like to have all their pictures on their phone. Or all their music. They want to select what to sync. Hello?

Nor will I talk about Ovi Maps, which currently uses at least three different UI paradigms and is a total mess. And still doesn't know the actual routes around the capital area in Finland. Naturally so doesn't Google, but they're not selling their crap as a navigator. Err, sorry. Giving away their crap for free as a navigator. Forgot. People refused to pay for the Ovi Maps, so they had to give it for free.

And especially I'm NOT going to mention that Mail for Exchange STILL can't sync any other folder than Inbox. So it's still unusable. Dunno how it is with Maemo.

And finally, not going to mention the fact that there is a huge number of S60 3rd ed users pissed off because Nokia (and some others) only release their stuff for the 5th ed. Also the same applies for Maemo users. But hey, that's life. If you didn't know that Nokia does this, that's your fault. Buy a new phone. That's the response for everything.

And yes, I'm back. At least for a moment ;)



TA-K (anon, 11.02.2010 13.20)

Gotta comment on the Maps navigation to a contact's address. It has been there in at least Maps 2.x, but can only be found via soooo difficult sequence.
Like this (in Maps):
Options --> Search --> Addresses --> Options --> Select from contacts

Unfortunately it seems this has disappeared from the newest free Maps (3.03), and I can't remember whether it was still there in 3.0 before 3.03.  |  Omat jutut  |  Muiden jutut  |  Kategoriat  |  kirjaudu